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Privacy Policy 



In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) you are informed that the data provided will be processed by COSTA CANARIA S.L., with CIF B-35007533 located in Urb. Puerto Calero S/N 35570 Yaiza, Lanzarote with telephone 928849595 and email address info@ hotelcostacalero.es. We inform you that your data are included in the processing activity "Guests". being used to manage your hotel reservation. The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to comply with legal and contractual obligations under the regulations in force at any given time. The legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent. You are informed that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition, as well as withdraw your consent to the processing of your data. You can obtain more information about your rights by visiting the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, as well as filing a complaint with this body if you consider it appropriate. For more detailed information, please see our Legal Warning.

COSTA CANARIA S.L. (the "Company") is an organization in which personal data processing activities take place.
processing of personal data, which gives it an important responsibility in the design and organization of procedures so that they are in line with legal compliance in this area.
In the exercise of these responsibilities and to establish the general principles that must govern the processing of personal data in the Company, it approves this personal data protection policy, which it notifies its Employees and makes available to all its stakeholders.

  1. Purpose
    The Personal Data Protection Policy is a measure of proactive responsibility that aims to ensure compliance with applicable legislation in this area and, about this, respect for the right to honour and privacy in the processing of personal data of all persons who are related to the Company.
    In the development of the provisions of this Personal Data Protection Policy, the Principles governing the processing of data in the organization are established and, consequently, the procedures, and the organizational and security measures that the persons affected by this Policy undertake to implement in their area of responsibility.
    To this end, TOTALDAT, S.L.U. with address at AVDA. JOAQUÍN SÁNCHEZ VALVERDE, 3 BADAJOZ, BADAJOZ, and e-mail ji.matamoros@totaldat.es, together with the Management will assign responsibilities to the staff involved in data processing operations.

  2. Scope of application 
    This Personal Data Protection Policy will apply to the Company, its administrators, managers, and employees, as well as to all persons who are related to it, with the express inclusion of service providers with access to data ("Data Processors").

  3. Principles for the processing of personal data
    As a general principle, The Company will scrupulously comply with the legislation on personal data protection and must be able to demonstrate it (Principle of "proactive responsibility"), paying special attention to those processing operations that may pose a greater risk to the rights of those affected (Principle of "risk approach").

    In relation to the above, COSTA CANARIA S.L. will ensure compliance with the following Principles:

    - Lawfulness, fairness, transparency, and purpose limitation. The processing of data must always be informed to the data subject, by means of clauses and other procedures; and will only be considered legitimate if there is consent for the processing of data (with special attention to that given by minors), or if there is other valid legitimation and the purpose of the processing is in accordance with the regulations.
    - Data minimisation. The data processed must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes of the processing.
    - Accuracy. The data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. In this respect, the necessary measures shall be taken to ensure that personal data which are inaccurate in relation to the purposes of the processing are erased or rectified without delay.
    - Limitation of the storage period. Data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes of the processing.
    - Integrity and Confidentiality. Data shall be processed in such a way as to ensure appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, by implementing appropriate technical or organisational measures.
    - Transfer of data. It is forbidden to purchase or obtain personal data from illegitimate sources or in those cases in which such data have been collected or transferred in contravention of the law or where their legitimate origin is not sufficiently guaranteed.
    - Contracting of suppliers with access to data. Only suppliers that offer sufficient guarantees for the application of appropriate technical and security measures in the processing of data shall be selected for contracting. The appropriate agreement shall be documented with these third parties in this respect.
    - International data transfers. Any processing of personal data subject to European Union regulations that involves a transfer of data outside the European Economic Area must be carried out in strict compliance with the requirements established in the applicable law.

    - Rights of data subjects. The Company will facilitate the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, erasure, limitation of processing, objection and portability for data subjects, establishing for this purpose the internal procedures, and in particular the models for their exercise that are necessary and appropriate, which must satisfy, at least, the legal requirements applicable in each case.

    The Company shall ensure that the principles set out in this Personal Data Protection Policy are taken into account (i) in the design and implementation of all work procedures, (ii) in the products and services offered, (iii) in all contracts and obligations formalised or assumed and (iv) in the implementation of all systems and platforms that allow access by employees or third parties and/or the collection or processing of personal data.

    4. Commitment of employees
    Employees are informed of this Policy and declare that they are aware that personal information is an asset of the Company, and in this respect they adhere to it, committing themselves to the following:
    - Undertake the data protection awareness training that the Company makes available to them.
    - Apply the security measures at user level that apply to their job, without prejudice to the responsibilities in their design and implementation that may be attributed to them depending on their role within COSTA CANARIA S.L.
    - Use the formats established for the exercise of rights by those affected and inform the company immediately so that the response can be effective.
    - Inform the Company, as soon as they become aware of deviations from the provisions of this Policy, in particular "Personal Data Security Violations", using the format established for this purpose.

    5. Monitoring and evaluation The effectiveness of the technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of the processing will be verified, evaluated and assessed annually, or whenever there are significant changes in the processing of data.